How do I count my steps?

We will sync up your data from Apple Health (iPhone devices) or Google Fit (Android devices). Please make sure you have granted Elfie access to your Apple Health / Google Fit.

It takes a few steps to complete the connection between Apple Health and the Elfie App. Please check out the following instructions:

1. Go to top left corner (right corner for Arabic) on Home page, click into the settings {{= icon}}

2. Scroll down to the section on "Permissions"

3. Tap into fitness tracker

4. Enable Apple Health on iOS devices.

Android devices - Google FitIt takes a few steps to complete the connection from Google Fit to the Elfie App. Please check out the following instructions:

1. Go to top left corner (right corner for Arabic) on Home page, click on settings {{= icon}}

2. Scroll down to the section on "Permissions"

3. Tap into fitness tracker

4. Enable Goggle Fit on Android devices.